Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Goodbye Letter Template

15 December 2013


Natalie Barker
185 Bersderave
785 London, UK


Susan Veyder
185 Arizona Ave
196 London, UK

Subject: Goodbye

Dear Susan,

I am writing this letter since I want you to have something always reminding you about our friendship. It is very sad that I have to move to the other city now and who knows when we meet again.  There were so many joyful and sad moments that we shared, so many memories will be kept. You were a great support for me here. I will never forget the day I met you, that time I was totally alone in London, I just came and knew nobody. You were like a salvation for me at that time. I am very glad that I met you and you became one of the most important people in my life.

I will try to keep our friendship even being in the distance. I ask you to keep in touch and inform me what is happening in your life since I will be worrying about you.

Whenever you need something, please write, call me. I will inform you if my contact details will change.

Wish you all the best.

Love you


Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Sample Letter of Reference

A.N.Y. Company Ltd
69 Any Street, Anyville, Anystate
Tel: 0123456789


To Whom It May Concern:

Reference for Mr James Blond

James Blond joined the A.N.Y. Company in July 1998. Since then he has proved to be a most reliable and effective member of the sales team.

James is professional and efficient in his approach to work and very well-liked by his colleagues and executive clients. He is well-presented and able to work both independently and as part of a team.

His contribution to all areas of company activity in which he has been involved have been much appreciated.

I believe that James will make a valuable addition to any organization that he may join. We deeply regret his decision to move on and I recommend him without hesitation.

I would gladly answer any request for further information.


Penny Farthing

Penny Farthing
Managing Director


View my profile at Hrzone.com and follow me at Newsle.com

Monday, 11 November 2013

Employment Verification Letter Template

A letter of verification of employment is a letter that is used to verify that you are currently employed in a certain position. Letters of verification of employment are commonly used when applying for a bank loan or when signing a lease agreement with a landlord. They are used to signify stability and that you will have an income coming in so you can make payments.

Sample Template :-

[Name of the Authority]
[Designation of the Authority]
[Name of the Sender Company]
[Address of the Sender Company]

Date: [Month and date, Year]

[Name of the Addressee]
[Designation of the Addressee]
[Name of the Addressee's Organization]
[Address of the Addressee's Organization]

Re: Employment Verification for [Name of the Employee]

Dear Mr./Ms./Mrs./Dr. [Full name of Addressee]:/To Whom it May Concern:

[Introduction] This letter is to inform you that [name of the employee] is working in our company [name of the employing company] as a [designation of the employee].

[Employee history] He has been working here for the past [time period] months. His gross monthly remuneration is $ [amount].

[Closing] If you need any more details, please feel free to contact us.

[Formal Closure] Sincerely,

[Signature of the authorizing person]

[Name of the authorizing person]
[Designation of the authorizing person]
[Contact number of the authorizing person]

Friday, 8 November 2013

Appointment Letter Template

Appointment letter is an official letter that is sent to the manager and owner of the company for getting the appointment for a job interview and business meeting. This letter is used in any business organizations for getting the appointment. The template given below will help you write an appointment letter.

Appointment Letter Template :-

Your Name
Name of Your Organization


Name of Addressee

Dear Ms./Mr. (addressee),

The introductory paragraph of the letter should welcome the addressee into the organization and should congratulate him or her on being appointed to the position that he or she has been hired for.

The second paragraph of the letter should always mention all the necessary details like the date of joining for the addressee. Also it is important to mention what the addressee will be expected to do on his or her first day at work. It is essential that you mention all the documents and paperwork that the addressee will be expected to fill on the first day and also provide a list of all the documents that the addressee needs to bring with him or her.

If you are including a third paragraph in the letter, then ensure that you mention the address at which the addressee will need to report to and the time that he or she is expected to come to work at. Also mention your own contact details, so that in case of any confusion, the addressee can contact you.

Yours sincerely,
(Your name)

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Complaint Letter Template

There are two advantages to writing a complaint letter rather than talking about it. First, you feel better. And second, the person or organization causing the problem takes you much more seriously when you commit your thoughts to paper. Here is a letter template and sample to help you get an understanding of complaint letters.

Writer's name
Complete address
Contact number
Email id


Name of Addressee
Name of Company

Subject: Complaint Letter about (name of product/service)

Dear Sir/Madam,

(Opening Paragraph)

This paragraph should give a reference about the product by mentioning its name, manufacturing date, date of purchase, and location of purchase. In case of a service, mention the nature of service, name of service provider, and the location of service provider. Specifying the invoice number of your purchase is highly essential.

(Second Paragraph)

This paragraph should specify in detail the nature of problem faced by you, or the grievances you wish to express with regards to the product or the service.

(Closing Paragraph)

This paragraph should express the nature of compensation you expect regarding the defective product or service. Most of the time, writers ask for a product replacement, product repair, refund of the product price or refund of full/partial fees paid to avail of a particular service. It should also mention the date by which you expect a response about the complaint from the addressee.

Hoping for an immediate action in this matter from your side.

Writer's name

Monday, 21 October 2013

Agreement Letter Template

Agreement letters are documents drafted to make sure the parties engaged in a business deal agree upon the terms and conditions communicated to each other. Letter of agreement acts as a mode of communication between customers & vendors, consultants & clients, etc. Thus, it is one of the important forms of business writing.

[Sender's Name]


[Recipient's Name]
[Company Name]

Dear [Recipient's name],

This document is an agreement between [Name of Sender's Organization] and [Recipient's Name]. The [Recipient's Name] will provide following services [Describe the Services], on [Date], at [Time] at: [Location]

Detailed Address:

[Recipient's Name] is being sponsored by the [Sender's Organization's Name] and will be paid for services provided in the amount of _ _ _. Payment will be made upon completion of services. Please sign both copies of this agreement. Keep one for your records and return the other to the address mentioned above.


_ _ _ 


_ _ _
Recipient's Signature

Friday, 4 October 2013

Resigation Letter Template

The following resignation letter template will give you an example of what to include in your letter of resignation.

Contact Information:

Your Name
Your Address
Your City, State, Zip Code
Your Phone Number
Your Email Address


Employer Contact Information:

City, State, Zip Code


Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name,

First Paragraph:

The first paragraph of your letter should state that you are resigning and give the date when your resignation is effective.

Middle Paragraph:

The next section of your resignation letter (optional) should thank your employer for the opportunities you have had during your employment with the company.

Final Paragraph:

Conclude your resignation letter (optional) by offering to assist with the transition.

Complimentary Close:

Respectfully yours,


Handwritten Signature

Typed Signature